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    bellybunz : really
    dadius : smh
    bellybunz : nahhhhhh
    dadius : yea really
    dadius : everybody has a typing style
    bellybunz : i could never live amoung your low brds
    dadius : its like a fingerprint
    bellybunz : is it
    dadius : no doubt...
    bellybunz : ok mate
    bellybunz : what ever
    dadius : seems like u changed your name just to enter the lesbo room
    dadius : ashamed?
    dadius : thought y'all were proud?
    dadius : oh it said must be Australian lol
    dadius : smh
    dadius : didn't I tell u I was black
    dadius : and that bs don't work on me
    bellybunz : to have a gun here hiden on you its a hanging offence here guns and knive
    bellybunz : your so very bright
    dadius : so u really in NC right?
    bellybunz : yes you mumbled something about being shiny
    bellybunz : im where ever you want
    dadius : only seen one person spell it like that
    dadius : knives
    dadius : see statement about fingerprints
    dadius : fool....
    dadius : y'all so stoopid
    bellybunz : ok knives
    dadius : it insults my intelligence
    bellybunz : tobad
    bellybunz : i didnt know you had intelligence
    dadius : no doubt
    bellybunz : your black every one insults you
    bellybunz : actually id spit on you if i saw you
    bellybunz : no minsuld intented
    bellybunz : insult
    bellybunz : see ever the crm of the white race make the odd mistake
    bellybunz : cream
    bellybunz : you must be in awe
    bellybunz : wishing you were me
    bellybunz : but thats only normal for someone like you
    bellybunz : you still there kunta?
    bellybunz : his gone away rying
    bellybunz : crying
    bellybunz : poor man must be upset
    dadius : smh
    dadius : went to get me a coffee...frank
    dadius : white girls spit on it everytime they see me sweetheart....u would as well.....
    dadius : I told the last one to ease up...started to feel teeth...she had such a small mouth...ambitious gal tho