true untold human history
chat room [public] created by RedPillYum
Hi my name is Joel. For 25.years now I've been working on topics and events most people think are fantasy or they know bits and pieces but can't get the puzzle to fit. I can help you. Trust me when I say who I know,who I work for,and where I studied are more then you could hope for to be able to ask questions to freely. The truth belongs to every human...for your birthright
I have truth. Tons of it. From who shot JFK and hollow earth what's flying what ufo...the American underground secret base network...abduction agendas...martial law and when it will happen in what the sun really is and used for...all the way to atoms,color,and light are a lie...just like god and devil...and I can provide you the info you need to keep track of these topics on your own.
I am only doing this now and trying public chat rooms because there's not much need at this point to fear another attempt on my life for talking...I've had six tries so far...I'm not an easy target ;)
Now they have bigger things then me going down so I can blip onto the radar here and there and get some info to whoever finds this room. Hope you want your mind blown M.I.T. they called my first IQ test scores I told them to give me a new one...and I did it again only this time I did it upside down and backwards to prove a point...nothings impossible...not even getting a PERFECT score on an M.I.T. IQ test working from an upside down and backwards copy. Stephan Hawkins didn't come close to me...he like totally wrong...physics is wrong ...what I know is right.
Want truth? Find me fast be here for about an hour or so then....poof!!!! I'm a phantom
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