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    mileenasjcombos : what else is new lol
    mileenasjcombos : carlee u smoke today lol
    Eddie494 has just logged out
    Usercarlee : No
    shadoeward has just logged in
    mileenasjcombos : ok
    mileenasjcombos : do u drink
    Usercarlee : Yeah, sometimes
    hotgirls29 has just logged out
    mileenasjcombos : drank and dank
    mileenasjcombos : thats a good day lol
    badgirlz29 has just logged in
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    mileenasjcombos : carlee u use iphone? there is a software update
    Usercarlee : No. I don't have the money to spend on an iPhone... Or the need
    mileenasjcombos : cool
    mileenasjcombos : not everyone uses iphone
    mileenasjcombos : what tattoos u have lol
    Usercarlee : Several weird things
    jd5205 has just logged in
    mileenasjcombos : like what lol
    mileenasjcombos : let decide if its weird
    Usercarlee : A moth, a brain and a heart, a burnt match,... Weird stuff that doesn't mean anything to anybody except me like most tattoos
    mileenasjcombos : moth symbol for change new direction
    mileenasjcombos : transformation .. i just google
    Usercarlee : Yeah, that was the thought behind it
    mileenasjcombos : u should of said
    Barry1970 has just logged in
    Azngrl4whitegods has just logged in
    Usercarlee : Explaining tattoos are tedious and most people who have tattoos get that unless you're just getting a tattoo to show off
    Hrdpapa has just logged in
    mileenasjcombos : true makes sense
    mileenasjcombos : u planning on getting more tattoos
    mileenasjcombos : get a skate tattooo lol
    Usercarlee : I don't have any plans but I'm sure I will
    mileenasjcombos : ok cool
    luv2eatyou has just logged in
    Stormiest98 has just logged in
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    AyushaloneOne has just logged out
    mannerful has just logged in
    Kellyluvzfeet has just logged in
    mileenasjcombos : kelly luvz skater feet