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    Wyldefyrr : Or back ?
    XemnasBlade : oh well i have other ones *pours wyld some tea*
    Sozal : *jumps away*
    XemnasBlade : sozal stole my book
    Wyldefyrr : Thanks sephi :))
    Wyldefyrr : She is *the BoSs* she can do whatever sephi lol
    XemnasBlade : you're welcome wyld
    Sozal : *grins*
    XemnasBlade : understanding
    XemnasBlade : *grins back showing fangs*
    Sozal : Uh oh
    WiscoGuy76 has just logged in
    Wyldefyrr : turns into *wylde bee* and flys around sephi's ears
    XemnasBlade : nonsense
    Wyldefyrr : *distracting her* BosS
    XemnasBlade : hm? i'm not doing anything to you all just chatting
    Wyldefyrr : I am saying to SoZaL
    Wyldefyrr : She is the BoSs
    XemnasBlade : oh... a fuzzy bee *gently places wyld bee on a book with mini cup of honey* understood
    souldate has just logged in
    Wyldefyrr : Confused
    Wyldefyrr : LoL
    Wyldefyrr : Our SoZaL got bored now
    XemnasBlade : oh my that's not good
    Wyldefyrr : She will take a back door exit lol
    Wyldefyrr : Btw from where it came *i am nothing to u lol*
    Wyldefyrr : @sephi
    XemnasBlade : hm?
    Wyldefyrr : Read what u wrote above after commenting nonsense lol
    XemnasBlade : oh
    XemnasBlade : the fangs part?
    Wyldefyrr : No i am not anything to you
    Wyldefyrr : I am not doing anything to you lol
    XemnasBlade : i see it
    Wyldefyrr : U confused me
    Wyldefyrr : Anyways
    Wyldefyrr : How was ur day
    XemnasBlade : my apologies for confusing you
    XemnasBlade : my day is going well and yours?
    Wyldefyrr : I will sleep soon and snore top
    Wyldefyrr : Top
    Wyldefyrr : Too
    makesuhappy has just logged in
    Wyldefyrr : So that ppl sleeping in next room are awake
    69juanito69 has just logged out
    Olderlady2chat has just logged out
    iamMendes has just logged in
    XemnasBlade : ok
    Moniicaa has just logged in
    XemnasBlade : hopefully you'll get some good rest