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    XemnasBlade : he back
    Grammacles : he must think we are all as dumb as him
    XemnasBlade : nah dude Xenmassepohiroangel you're same dude
    Grammacles : mistake #1
    Xenmassepohiroangel : You are very ugly xemmas
    XemnasBlade : change the way you type
    XemnasBlade : you're hideous
    Grammacles : lol he even spelled it wrong again
    Xenmassepohiroangel : You the one bothering me first xemmas nobody else does
    XemnasBlade : blocked and reported
    tgirlsarah has just logged in
    XemnasBlade : that's how you deal with a troll
    Xenmassepohiroangel : That what you get xemmas you have just stay out my way mind your business xemmas
    Grammacles : quite so
    Xenmassepohiroangel has just logged out
    Xenmassepohiroangel has just logged in
    CrystalTear : i wish all the trolls were black licorice cats, id swallow them hole in one gulp
    Grammacles : whole
    Xenmassepohiroangel : Blocked you reported you should just ignore me xemmas instead you attacking me
    CrystalTear : they would be like dying sounds and silence would wrap around them
    XemnasBlade : XD
    CrystalTear : yeah missed the w
    Grammacles : don't feed the trolls - eat them
    CrystalTear : lol yes
    XemnasBlade : i'll burn them
    Xenmassepohiroangel : When I chat for fun acting xemmas grammarcles is right
    XemnasBlade : melt them into gummies
    Xenmassepohiroangel : Bye
    Grammacles : start with the nuts
    XemnasBlade : oh gosh DX
    CrystalTear : lets crunch them hard
    Grammacles : wait drip hot candle wax on them first
    CrystalTear : no nibbles just straight out shatter
    Grammacles : drip drip drip
    CrystalTear : they might enjoy that Grams lol
    Grammacles : and listen with pleasure to the screams
    CrystalTear : id rather just crush the nuts numb
    Grammacles : some do its true lol
    CrystalTear : oh i do like dark ambient so much better
    CrystalTear : my tech house just became dark ambient lol
    Grammacles : darker the better
    inthezone80 has just logged in
    simpleman9 has just logged in
    CrystalTear : oh goodie i got another one
    XemnasBlade : -_- *sips on coffee* honestly troll just wants to get control when he doesn't have that well he cries about it
    Grammacles : this is all ancient history to us
    XemnasBlade : indeed
    XemnasBlade : let him cry more
    Maryokineelove has just logged out