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    XemnasBlade : thank you gram
    XemnasBlade : at this point i want peace for everyone
    XemnasBlade : maybe one day world will be ,
    Grammacles : a friend of mine recently said "world peace starts in our own hearts"
    XemnasBlade : indeed
    Grammacles : unfortunately most people think their happiness lies outside of themselves
    XemnasBlade : sadly
    Grammacles : in fortune or love or fame
    XemnasBlade : it's the heart that counts
    Grammacles : but these things are just down to fate or karma
    Grammacles : exactly
    mhalditah09 : Hellow
    XemnasBlade : depending on who person is
    Grammacles : yes depending on the conditions they were born into etc
    Grammacles : hello mhalditah
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    Grammacles : and the propensities they have
    XemnasBlade : i was talking about they're hearts but ok
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    Grammacles : sure but its how we develop ourselves and deepen our efforts to reveal the truths hidden in our hearts that matter
    XemnasBlade : indeed
    XemnasBlade : loneliness can make people do strange things, greed can make people want more instead what they have,
    XemnasBlade : and jealously can make people do stupid, dangerous even worst things towards others
    Grammacles : yes often because they remain ignorant of the wisdom courage and compassion that exist in their hearts
    XemnasBlade : that's very unfortunate for them
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    Grammacles : its the human condition
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    Grammacles : people often don't realise any of this until their chasing of baubles comes to nothing
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    Grammacles : and one can only realise the truth through those sufferings
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    RebelHeart85 : Naive, Sephor.. sigh
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