● XemnasBlade :
how can someone who made this place be so irresponsible
● Usercarlee :
Yeah, put the blame on somebody else instead of the person that is to blame. That's like blaming McDonald's for making people fat. Got to plan the person who goes down there and overeat rather than the restaurant.
● XemnasBlade :
person who made this place should've stayed on top of it monitoring it
● XemnasBlade :
i'm not blaming i'm saying the facts of facts
● Usercarlee :
The facts are you going to be responsible for yourself. Again, that's like a grocery store manager monitoring how many cookies you're buying.
● XemnasBlade :
because if you're a site owner it's you're duty to keep things in order, otherwise situations like these happen
● XemnasBlade :
usercarlee i'm just a chatter on here , and you are as well
● XemnasBlade :
i am responsible for myself hopefully you are too
● Usercarlee :
Yup. I am. Like it says in my profile. Just here to chat and not into the rest of the stupid stuff that goes on here.
● XemnasBlade :
i like meeting new friends that's what i'm on here
● Dd20000 :
That's what I'm doing I'm friendly to everybody I've never been banned never had my pictures for him none of that stuff come out here and talk and have a good time it's not that hard but people want to do over the top and cause trouble it's just a shame
● XemnasBlade :
Dd20000 i'm glad you're gentle kind person i wish there were more peopleon here like that
● XemnasBlade :
may this place be cleanse from the evil within it
● Dd20000 :
Sorry I had to take a shower did the place will probably go down for a while again because they take the hard drives and they search them that's what happened in 2021 or 2022or
● Dd20000 :
They took the hard drives cuz the girl was caught by a pedophile she made him she grabbed her and the line was down for about 2 months
● Dd20000 :
Like I've said multiple times I'm not trying to cause trouble I'm trying to stop trouble and help the situation but time is running out