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    Jayne1985 : Haha
    Wyldefyrr : Today AJ disnt fight with you
    Jayne1985 : Lily is turning into a creative diva
    Wyldefyrr : See u are alone now thats also a good news
    Jayne1985 : That would be the day
    Jayne1985 : Yesssss
    Wyldefyrr : Oh yes just the way u are
    Wyldefyrr : See small joys jayne
    Jayne1985 : She had me hand paint fake finger nails for her
    Wyldefyrr : Like i always say :)
    Jayne1985 : It took 3 hourssss
    Wyldefyrr : Lol
    Wyldefyrr : I thought she made some painting
    Jayne1985 : She draws more than anything and im currently also helping her w
    Jayne1985 : With a book
    Wyldefyrr : But thats cool even
    Jayne1985 : Rose also draws and writes
    Jayne1985 : And aj just got into drawing
    lillexigirl has just logged in
    Wyldefyrr : Rose youngest one right
    blackhunee08 has just logged in
    Jayne1985 : Eldest
    Jayne1985 : 17
    Jayne1985 : Shes my mixed baby.
    Wyldefyrr : Oh sorry yes eldest
    Wyldefyrr : Ur kids are very pretty
    Jayne1985 : Lmao that was a typo in IM
    Jayne1985 : Shush don't say then they will get egos
    Wyldefyrr : I corrected
    Wyldefyrr : Typo
    Jayne1985 : Hahaha
    Wyldefyrr : Whats their favourite video game btw
    69juanito69 has just logged out
    Jayne1985 : Elden ring
    Jayne1985 : He wants some new game but told him he had to wait a month
    Jayne1985 : I cant recall the name
    Wyldefyrr : U r too kind lol
    Jayne1985 : The get spoiled when taxes come in
    Wyldefyrr : If its me there i am sure i will be very strict
    Jayne1985 : Taking girls to get skme piercings and salon .. girlie crap
    Jayne1985 : WE DONT LIKE RULES
    elvira18uk has just logged in
    davidjohnkinstz has just logged in
    Wyldefyrr : I dont know how girls really behave lol i mena i dont have kids
    Jayne1985 : WE ARE ferrell
    Wyldefyrr : Are u sure loo
    Wyldefyrr : Lol
    Jayne1985 : Well rose is more boyish .. likes short hair and horro films... lily is boarderline princess artist
    Wyldefyrr : And Aj