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    Wyldefyrr : Ah ok richard, for how many days
    GorillaGlueSniffer : sounds like a rip off
    seanndaddy has just logged out
    Wyldefyrr : On wireclub u mean Gorilla?
    richardob52 : i have not been in there in 2 weeks
    Stai1985 has just logged in
    GorillaGlueSniffer : yea
    Wyldefyrr : I could never have good friends there
    richardob52 : i would like to be able to say good bye to some of my friends there
    Wyldefyrr : They are changing ids like clothes and not a good interface as per me
    Wyldefyrr : Why dont you change ur id then richard
    GorillaGlueSniffer : r u leaving for good richard ?
    Salatesh has just logged out
    Stai1985 has just logged out
    richardob52 : i have tried using a different email and it will not work
    DamMaddox90 has just logged in
    GorillaGlueSniffer : ip ban
    Wyldefyrr : Oh yes ip address
    Wyldefyrr : Yes
    richardob52 : i made an email on Gmail and outlook and it still will not let me on
    Wyldefyrr : For me its asking for the referral lol
    richardob52 : how do i get around a Ip ban
    GorillaGlueSniffer : u wait
    GorillaGlueSniffer : it gotta be temporary
    AyushaloneOne has just logged in
    Wyldefyrr : U need to ask some of your friends to approach some moderator there and unban you or just wait
    GorillaGlueSniffer : didn't u receive a message telling u for how long
    Wyldefyrr : Gorilla dont they send email telling the banning period
    GorillaGlueSniffer : yea wylde that's common courtesy
    richardob52 : i have not gotten any email from wireclub
    GorillaGlueSniffer : they should esp if it's a paid membership
    Wyldefyrr : True
    07598430845 has just logged in
    Wyldefyrr : I was there lately but then i deleted id and now its asking me to come with referrral
    Wyldefyrr : Funny why do they need to register ppl if they are not gonna let them chat
    GorillaGlueSniffer : indeed
    GorillaGlueSniffer : our friend richard here didn't even get to say goodbye
    Wyldefyrr : Its just a way to sell database i guess
    Wyldefyrr : See
    Wyldefyrr : Not a good site here ppl come after ages and get recognized lol
    richardob52 : i will be back i need to take the browns to the super bowl
    masterman960 has just logged in
    GorillaGlueSniffer : toodles
    MikeJsp has just logged out
    Wyldefyrr : May be browns giving u a walk lol jk
    spider74 has just logged in
    DamMaddox90 has just logged out
    Salatesh has just logged in
    Apsaraaa : Yawnsssss
    Wyldefyrr : Puts fly in apsy's mouth