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    Jayne1985 : Dials the pound for strays
    meowbulat : oh shi
    meowbulat : u cant do that
    Jayne1985 : Hahaha
    Jayne1985 : I know i dont have a tele
    meowbulat : thank goodness
    Wyldefyrr : Comes back and brings candies.. maniac over the tree loves those
    Jayne1985 : *sets bait trap
    Jayne1985 : :"(
    Wyldefyrr : Shows from down.. umm yummyyy
    Kasperlein has just logged in
    Wyldefyrr : Jump down and have these all lol
    meowbulat : what kinda candiess
    meowbulat : i want some
    Wyldefyrr : Strawberry candies
    Jayne1985 : OOOOOOOO
    Wyldefyrr : Lol
    meowbulat : strawberry? er..nevermind
    Jayne1985 : U tricked me
    Wyldefyrr : Lol michu u still like candies
    Jayne1985 : Always
    Wyldefyrr : Meow i have butterscotch ones too :)
    Jayne1985 : The little strawbhave a soft center
    playgirlintokyo has just logged in
    meowbulat : ok i like butterscotch
    Wyldefyrr : Yes
    Wyldefyrr : Hands meow candies :)
    Wyldefyrr : Shree is missing as well
    Jayne1985 : *loads tranq gun from tree
    meowbulat : ty for candy *nomnom*
    meowbulat : where is shree :(
    Wyldefyrr : Lol why michigan
    Wyldefyrr : I dont know i didn't see him around either
    Jayne1985 : *builds nest
    Jayne1985 : *lights blunt
    Wyldefyrr : I need to go now and have my bfast else they will close kitchen
    Jayne1985 : Ok
    meowbulat : okie take care
    Wyldefyrr : It wont take long
    Wyldefyrr : Enjoy
    Wyldefyrr has just logged out
    Jayne1985 : U 2
    thornedexit has just logged in
    nightrider691 has just logged in
    Lynnylyn has just logged in
    docvicky has just logged in
    XemnasBlade : *reads a book*
    Lynnylyn has just logged out
    Chichiriii has just logged in
    Chichiriii : Meow!!!!