● guest95.73.112.xxx :
Looking for English-Speaking persons, who may be want to improve their English skills. Searching for making conversation on secular themes WITHOUT flirt and deep personal questions, with high
has just logged
● guest184.21.139.xxx :
I have homework assignment-I need to interview someone who is from a different culture
● guest76.95.9.xxx :
i need to do a cross cultural project on israel can someone help me please?
● guest76.75.4.xxx :
Hello! I am looking for someone of a different culture than my own. I have to interview someone....
● guest216.55.206.xxx :
i have to do an interview on someone with a different cultural background about their culture
● Annamarisa :
Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours - https://soo.gd/sessy