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    Nihilus8 : hi
    Nihilus8 : any filmmakers here : hello : hey
    SamuraiFilmmaker1 : Anyone write screenplays?
    SamuraiFilmmaker1 has just logged out : hey all : any1 here : check this out : : hi
    lostmic : Any filmmakers out there that want to chat?
    lostmic : Anyone here? : yoooooo : hi : ???
    silversaltire has just logged in : hye : hey : hi : hi : any screenwriters out there : no? guess not : Hi : I'm looking to get an advide, what gear to buy, on a budget of 1250 USD. Camera+lens+sd? : hi : hello? : this is sad. i wish i wasn't here alone. i need inspiration. i need friends. : as : <BLVCK> today i january 3rd 2014 : <BLVCK> Today is January 3rd 2015* : Hello? : anyone out there?
    RLoves : Hello??? : Hey : anyone? : hi : hi : hi hi : hey anyone here i bought a gaf s|72 and i need the manual any ideas? : hi : abyone online now? : anyone** : hello I'm looking for a film making chat room : hi : bud, go check out our latest video on the Blood Brothers channel and share it around! We really would appreciate the exposure! Thank you : hey
    hotsoldier88 has just logged in
    hotsoldier88 : Hello fellow filmmakers
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -