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    sweetcakes79 : and finger ur ass
    sweetcakes79 : and lick it
    sweetcakes79 : i put a serap on and fuck ur pussy
    chellylover21 : mmmm
    sweetcakes79 : and while doing that get a vib just for ur clit
    sweetcakes79 : u can help it
    sweetcakes79 : but want more
    sweetcakes79 : u cum again and again
    sweetcakes79 : i then fuck ur ass
    sweetcakes79 : hey baby
    chellylover21 : mmm
    sweetcakes79 : u like
    sweetcakes79 : will u lick me?
    sweetcakes79 : i am now so wet
    chellylover21 : yes
    chellylover21 has just logged out
    chellylover21 : u there
    whitelighting03 : yes
    whitelighting03 : what are you up too
    whitelighting03 : i c your busy so i will let you go
    chellylover21 : rubbing
    chellylover21 : baby
    whitelighting03 : mmmmm
    whitelighting03 : okay bye
    chellylover21 : lol
    chellylover21 : u there
    whitelighting03 : just about to leave
    chellylover21 : im me baby
    Amanda909 : hey :)
    gaygirl5000 has just logged out
    sarahurley25 : hi
    chellylover21 : hey
    chellylover21 : u there
    Jasmine888 : well this seems like a fun room lol
    longhair60 : hi
    countrydiva04 : HI
    naughtylesbo19 : hey
    ticklemesonya : hi
    ticklemesonya : how is everyone
    ticklemesonya : ?
    ticklemesonya : am i alone :(
    ticklemesonya : hi cheely
    ticklemesonya : chelly
    ticklemesonya : anyone in here
    ticklemesonya : hi chelly
    TrinityS9 : I can't message you. It says you turned off IMs
    taylor1001 has just logged in
    HeatherJ23 : Hi room
    HeatherJ23 has just logged out
    HeatherJ23 has just logged in