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Log In : I NEED HELP!!!! : WTF IS THE GREAT CIRCLE ROUTE USEFUL FOR? : Hi : anyone alive here? : hi : hello : lets play : the capital cities game : Hello : Ok so i have this project and i have to prove that it is much cheaper for an individaul to live : in a surburban area compared to an urban area : Can some please help me
    Cutiepatootie2 has just logged in
    Cutiepatootie2 has just logged in
    Cutiepatootie2 has just logged in
    Cutiepatootie2 has just logged in : hi : hey : heard this was a geography chat room : Im a big fan of geography : heyy : guys anyone here? : Hello? : in desperate need of geography help right now!! : would be very grateful for anyone who could help... : The South Asian economic boom is based almost exclusively upon primary sector economic activities. : Sup : No ons here eh
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -