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Log In : hi : heyy gusy : hi : skype me small worlds!
    123Namelees : hello
    nicko1818 has just logged in : heyy : how r u? : hi : is anyone there ? : kkk : hello : kaipie2003 speaking : Hii : I play smallworldsA : f : hi : i play smallworlds too : hey
    jemari12345 has just logged in
    jemari12345 : h
    jemari12345 : on sw is anything new
    jemari12345 : i love weeworlds the most sw sucks
    jemari12345 has just logged in : SW ROCKS : I have been baned how do I get my acc back
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -