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Log In : hello : sg
    ilan82 : hello!!!
    hamasgaza : go israel!!!!
    hamasgaza : f*ck the terrorists : hi : what is going on there in gaza
    ilan82 has just logged in
    ilan82 : ??? : hello : como estan : are you
    israelimuslim : hello i'm muslim from israel
    israelimuslim : i want to know what happens in gaza
    israelimuslim : is hamas good or not (i think not) : free palestine : The modern state of isarel is equal to nazi germany : who ever says othr wise is a dumb brainwashed right wing dummy : Ever time a israli dies by a hams as rocket i cry in happiness : dont even get me started on how much the idf soldiers deserve dieing : i think isarel should be nukedd of the map they have no right to exist : I hope hamas the innocent freedom fighters kill al idf soldiers : idf soldiers are the real terroisrts : Hamas doent even kill babaies hamas has never killed nanyone : but isarel does
    mirok : hello : hello : hi
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -