● cletus2 :
looken fo my friend youngniggahavenit , he;s won a new VW convertible in Maryland , i wants to ny it
● cletus2 :
Liberal;s today are not the Democrats I was raised by
● Annamarisa :
Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours - https://soo.gd/sessy
● AnahiRueda1616 :
I’m F16 and well I’m kinda looking for someone who is racist and older then 35. For some fun
● Alainey :
hi. i am alainey! is this the racist chat? because i have a lot to tell of my frustrations
● Alainey :
im in search of people who hate niggers just like me, but i feel lonely... it seems im the only one with those thoughts