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    Echo117 : takes out my pistol-
    Echo117 : aims it at the dummies and unloads my rounds-
    Echo117 : reloads and shoots at the other dummies-
    Echo117 : misses the last one and slams my pistol on the table-
    Echo117 : son of a bitch
    topdog2007 : appears in the room : hi : hi : any one on? : is anyone eles here? : hi : hey whats up : lol @ echo : looks like everyone is gone : where are the people................... its quiet in here... wait..... was that.... a pen drop? : hello how are you : how can I help you today? : how is everyone doing? : WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE : HELLLLOOOOOOOOO : I'm going crazy here by myself : just gonna start talking to myself and answering myself fuck it. hey self how are you, i'm good : blah blah blah blah blah : how is nobody doing? nobody is good? great : I'm doing work from home : i'm bored out of my fucking mind, and my job monitors my computer : So I have to log on to these fake ass chats : I thought someone was going to be in here, but guess not : the voices are starting to get a little louder in my head : i need to get some a little bit of therapy : Mayne more than a little, I need alot : they do not expect us out having fun : I love to just talk to myself : this shit is fun than a bitch : heheheehhee : gotta love this shit : i do : hahahahahaha : im so sad i couldnt be there : thank God : Can I log off : wanna be a better sister, a better daughter : help me polarize, those stairs are where i been hiding all my problems : help me polarize, my friends and i we've got alot of problems : WE'RE A PROBLEM DAH DAH DAH : please don't make any sudden moves : all my friends are heathens TAKE IT SLOW : you don't know the half of the abuse : trust issues