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    JoyoftheHolocaust : SEIG HEIL! : na : kurze frage : heil hitler : 88
    TrigunTryhard : hey there
    Evald93 : Hey im new here i need to ask a question : this is anoyying : yay questions
    DarrenEbert has just logged in
    DarrenEbert : Hi, I was wondering if there's anyonw who is a member of or has any connections to Anti-Communist Vigilantes, hitmen, or Militia groups. If there are, I have free information on a group of Communist / Socialist / Marxist POS that are in need of being erad
    DarrenEbert : The site is at
    DarrenEbert : Itwill be very highly suggested that, in the interest of preserving and saving what's left of this country, swift action needa to be taken against these Parasitic, Toxic, and Cancerous Malignancies ASAP!!