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    xLostLittleOnex : -pushes you off-
    GrubitschTheLycan : He releases the pain into her but the wolfen change has already happened.
    xLostLittleOnex : -absorbs the pain gritting her teeth-
    GrubitschTheLycan : He sinks his K-nines into your arm and tries to rip it off.
    GrubitschTheLycan : "N----NOOO."
    xLostLittleOnex : -flicks her blade out and stabs it into you- back off
    GrubitschTheLycan : He slumps to the ground injured as i Regain control.
    xLostLittleOnex : -retracts her blade- forgive me, you panicked me
    GrubitschTheLycan : He then looks at the blood, "D----Dear god....."
    xLostLittleOnex : -looks down, sinking to her knees-
    GrubitschTheLycan : G2g. Wanna start up again tomorrow?
    GrubitschTheLycan : ^^
    xLostLittleOnex : shure, after i get off from work
    GrubitschTheLycan : K. Bye. ^^
    GrubitschTheLycan has just logged out
    Sanyusuki : -leaves another 500 dollars bill-
    GrubitschTheLycan : -.-"
    GrubitschTheLycan : He snarls trying to fight the change.
    xLostLittleOnex : rawr
    GrubitschTheLycan : "L-luka...T----That you." He focuses his gaze upo her
    xLostLittleOnex : im here
    GrubitschTheLycan : "Goo----Good." He tremble and shakes while sweating. "GAH!."
    xLostLittleOnex : -looks woried, running to your side-
    GrubitschTheLycan : He curls up as the feel of the wolfen inside of me feels like its scratching at the inside of my skull. "GAAAAH,"
    xLostLittleOnex : -lays her hand on you
    GrubitschTheLycan : He snarls and tries to resist more.
    GrubitschTheLycan : He nearly snaps his jaws at the hand but stops when I try to resist more,
    xLostLittleOnex : -tries to comprehend what's going on inside him-
    GrubitschTheLycan : "I----I need to b----be restrained...."
    GrubitschTheLycan : "The wolfen...C----Change can happen any second."
    GrubitschTheLycan : He tries to hold out a bit longer as tears roll down his cheek.
    xLostLittleOnex : -flinches, remebering her own resrtaint- What do I do?
    GrubitschTheLycan : "When.....I change...l-----I stay in my wolfen form forever...Never able to control myself.."
    GrubitschTheLycan : "I----I don't know...Keep me pinned down or S----Something."
    xLostLittleOnex : -holds you down-
    GrubitschTheLycan : He tries to resist for just awhile as he grips you're arms tight. Tears flooding down his cheek. "I'm...S-----Sorry."
    GrubitschTheLycan : "I'm....S---Sorry."
    xLostLittleOnex : -shakes her head- It's fine.... -winces slightly-
    GrubitschTheLycan : His fingers inch inwards as if their claws and his body begins to take shape. "AASAGGGGHH..."
    GrubitschTheLycan : Fine?
    GrubitschTheLycan : *[[Fine?]]
    GrubitschTheLycan : [[Ok. Sorry. Lol.]]
    GrubitschTheLycan : [[I thought you meant something else.]]
    xLostLittleOnex : (lol)
    xLostLittleOnex : -winces, shoving oyu down-
    xLostLittleOnex : -watches you with concern-
    xLostLittleOnex : (ya there?)
    xLostLittleOnex : back to Dias' room for me
    samuraibase : you friends with kanzojames right
    samuraibase : I know kanzojames he pass alway