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    mephilesthedark : ~walks ove rto the graveyard
    mephilesthedark : i see the fool in furrry dont see what i do
    mephilesthedark : i see teh pain and sarrow of all of them
    mephilesthedark : and they think they can hide and git rid of their pain how foolish
    mephilesthedark : pain and sarrow never leaves it stays with you all your life
    mephilesthedark : and it will never leave
    mephilesthedark : they are all fools if they think pain will leave
    mephilesthedark : ~covers my head with my black hood and walks over to a reaper staue
    mephilesthedark : dear god hear my praysers
    mephilesthedark : ~graba my crossneckless with a skull and pentagram on it
    mephilesthedark : give me the will and power to live my life
    mephilesthedark : and help the people i care for
    mephilesthedark : and pleas ehelp them in their lives
    mephilesthedark : nd give them the will and power to do as they want and help them survive this harsh world
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