● AyamaX :
skirt, this motion revealing a bit of skin between her naval and waist. Aya appeared to not have much in
● AyamaX :
the way of weapons, she tilted her head slightly to the left as she analyzed her opponent's cool
● AyamaX :
composure. Aya ignored the sad roleplay attempt by Della and got back to the real challenge at hand.
● xXAle3Xx :
tomorrow going to buy a new charger.
● AyamaX :
Aya dashed toward Alex, focusing all her strength into -
● AyamaX :
We continue this tomorrow then?
● xXAle3Xx :
I mean right now getting a charger tomorrow fight.
● Todaikun :
If you stop, I have to go back to grading papers. *(T_T)*
● ZeAki :
Because this room isn't meant to be hosted.
● ZeAki :
Because it couldn't match up to Dias's room.