● TheRavenNevermore :
Time off is nice, I agree. My name is Eleanor, it's nice to meet you! :)
so how was the weather there this weekend getting warmer ??
● TheRavenNevermore :
Yes, it's raining at the moment. My cats aren't very happy about it though.
● TheRavenNevermore :
We have three, but one comes and goes as he pleases so he isn't around much.
she scratched both of them when they were pups so they know who is boss
she can be very scarey lol she growls at strangers when they come to the door
● TheRavenNevermore :
Since it's been so rainy lately, my cat has been sleeping in my room. I regret letting her in!
● TheRavenNevermore :
She refuses to leave us alone until we dedicate an entire hour to petting her.
LOL mine cuddles my daughter puts her head under her chin & her legs around her neck