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    Happyink : My name is awesomer.
    SparklesMeow : I give up
    Happyink : Haha
    Happyink : My n n n n n n n n n n
    Happyink : Meh
    SparklesMeow : a a a a a a a a a
    Happyink : | haven't worn Squ¡d Hat ¡n a wh¡le.
    SparklesMeow : WEAR IT NOW
    Happyink : | W|LL
    Happyink : And don't worry about my name, names are only minor details of somebody anyways
    SparklesMeow : Okie dokies
    Happyink : | love th¡s hat omg
    SparklesMeow : El oh el
    Happyink : Wow, | had to read that out loud to understand ¡t
    SparklesMeow : Dummy
    Happyink : Okay okay ask me one quest¡on about my name and that'll be your h¡nt
    SparklesMeow : What.... does it mean
    Happyink : Youthful.
    SparklesMeow : I am thinking
    Happyink : -plays w¡th squ¡d hat-
    SparklesMeow : I dont knnooowww
    Happyink : Haha
    Happyink : Maybe you need
    Happyink : oh
    Happyink : Right
    SparklesMeow : ?
    Happyink : Hmm, maybe | should tell you maybe not
    SparklesMeow : you should!!!
    Happyink : Why should | tell you? |t's so much fun not to!
    SparklesMeow : becauseit makes me sad
    SparklesMeow : ssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddddd
    Happyink : Haha why?
    SparklesMeow : Just because
    Happyink : Well | sa¡d ¡t twice but ¡t was h¡dden
    Happyink : My name has an n ¡n ¡t.
    SparklesMeow : tHAT IS NOT HELPFUL
    Happyink : And a y
    Happyink : Hehehe
    SparklesMeow : uuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggghhhhhh text me I'm getting off the computer
    Happyink : F¡ne
    SparklesMeow has just logged out
    healthyman : ji
    Happyink : Lol h¡
    Happyink : I am hosting friendly chat. Click the MENU button above and select my chat room to join me.
    nappyman : hi guys
    xxxemopandasxxx : ...
    xxxemopandasxxx : .
    Happyink has just logged out