● Gabriiellaa :
I see about 5 of your friends here that Online on your Chatroom.
● Gabriiellaa :
Where are they? You shouldve know-_- Youre their friends-_-
● Gabriiellaa :
Then if they arent, why would they be in here?
● Gabriiellaa :
You invited them, you advers your chatroom to them. So, it means that they are your friends
● vashtidahkitteh :
because i asked people to come in here through a link on different chat rooms
● Gabriiellaa :
Hahha, Im sorry. I didnt mean to be a bitch here. v
● vashtidahkitteh :
ok.....you may stay inside the tardis for the time being but you will not be my companion as i
● vashtidahkitteh :
perhaps the next doctor to come along shall take you with him
● Shhjohn :
thats how all the fun stuff is done
● vashtidahkitteh :
ugh well all this talk of doctor who makes me want to watch dw soo ill be off then
● vashtidahkitteh :
btw -_- in of it self is a somewhat rude face you may refrane from using it to seem less like bitch