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    theLizardman : .-.
    bubblebunny23 : '_'
    KittyKen : * Poked bubbles bewb *
    squishyracoon : rolls around in bubbles panties* squeak 0,..,0
    theLizardman : Am I really the only one on this chat site that doesn't poke girls' boobs? O.o
    bubblebunny23 : *pokes gismo's tittie*xD
    KittyKen : be right back * imma go nom
    theLizardman : I'll take that as a yes.
    theLizardman : .-.
    squishyracoon : pokes bubbles vag*
    bubblebunny23 : ~is used to it~/..\
    bubblebunny23 : the poking bewbs thing.
    squishyracoon : *pokes bubbles vagina again* 0,..,0
    theLizardman : Tell the truth, I don't do any stuff like that... .-.
    bubblebunny23 : *takes squishy out and sits by lizard*/.\
    squishyracoon : awww it was warm *whispers to lizard* shes in heat
    theLizardman : -falls out of the tree and lands on my head- Owww...
    bubblebunny23 : Fall for you~Secondhand serenade
    theLizardman : -flicks coon away from me- ._.
    bubblebunny23 : *leans slightly from the tree branch looking at lizard*
    squishyracoon : meep poofs* ish under a rock
    bubblebunny23 : *jumps down*
    bubblebunny23 : *helps lizard up*
    squishyracoon : throws a scat bomb an hits lizard*0,..,0
    theLizardman : -ish helped up- Thank you.
    theLizardman : -bomb misses-
    bubblebunny23 : Your welcome.
    squishyracoon : Hisses at lizard*
    bubblebunny23 : *Teh bomb hits me*/.\
    bubblebunny23 : *falls over*
    theLizardman : -catches bubble-
    squishyracoon : meep uhoh poofs*
    squishyracoon : ish invisible
    bubblebunny23 : It's ok....*huggles lizard*
    bubblebunny23 : Ima go make a hot dog brb /.\
    theLizardman : -huggles back and smiles- Good.
    bubblebunny23 : back
    theLizardman : weba.
    bubblebunny23 : *looks for squishy to spank him*°v
    bubblebunny23 : >,____,>
    theLizardman : No, no violence. -huggles ze bunny-
    bubblebunny23 : *huffs and huggles back*
    theLizardman : That's better.
    bubblebunny23 : I'm going to furry chat now
    theLizardman : K.
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    KittyKen has just logged in
    KittyKen has just logged in : anyone home