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Log In : hey im axel : I'm roxas : hey i'm namine :) : *she sat on her hcair and started drawing in her sketchbook* : hi im riku
    Demyx9 : Hai! : gd : KINDOM HEARTS! : hi
    ShadowKing2 : hi : hello : hi : anyone there? : Hey anyone online Name is Iasagi : If anyone likes RPGs or never heard ofthem or whatnot, its those things where you type your : actions! its really fun so take a look here :  its my Rpg and jsut so you know and see the full thing , for those of you who has the" forgot : " password " blocking your veiw, here ya go : : copy and paste that in your browser, i promise its not a scam and no downloads surveys and bla : blah blah blah, just a site with txts and few pictures, it takes like 10 minutes ot veiw it all and stu : stuff *
    DarkSke1et0n : hi
    trckster has just logged in
    Xion21 : Hello?
    Xion21 : ?
    Xion21 : ... : :-.
    Shaddow18 has just logged in : hello? : hello
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -