● RuefulDestiny :
Why does life have to throw curve-balls at you at top speed?
● SpleenMerchant :
For fuck sakes. Benji kills Emo chat, and rather than go to a new room, people just stop getting on
● UrSuperHero :
yea i like c0rey tayl0r an that s0ng .. bt n0t many 0f there 0ther s0ngs ..
● UrSuperHero :
well im in t0 swing n0w . . n0pe.. w0ts a s0ng 0f theres i can utube ?
● britbrat143 :
I know. He did it because I told him that he had no life.
● SomeGuyinAChatroom :
"don't let the fuckers get ya. they can help you, or not help you, but they can't stop
● HannahMitsuki :
It's weird when someone who tries to act like a tough badass all the time becomes giddy when