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    NikolaiBelinski : -he is running through the trenche's from the robotic zombie,he shoots his raygun at incoming
    NikolaiBelinski : zombies that jump down from the top of the trenches-
    shadowdrago : -sits on a pile of dead zombies as he eats an apple- They thought it was challenge did they?
    Richtofen935 : *looks up* I think they did...
    shadowdrago : -Jumps down from the pile landing in front of the the doctor- Apple?
    Richtofen935 : ahaha, you know the riddle. an apple away keeps the doctor away. But sure.
    shadowdrago : -hands him a shiny red apple as he watched the massive Robot Pass overhead- I do like the desi
    shadowdrago : gn of them
    Richtofen935 : *took the apple* Ja. it is fascinatiing.
    shadowdrago : -smiles as he draws out his sword- Lets found ourselfs a russian shall we?
    Richtofen935 : *smiles* Jawoll.
    shadowdrago : -Walks through the trenchs as he watched around- So whats the story on this guy?
    Richtofen935 : *followed behind* well.... there is alot to say. But one word. Strange.
    shadowdrago : -shrugs as he thrusts his blade forward into the skull of a zombie and pulls back pulling the head
    shadowdrago : with him- So its just you and a russian that is strange
    Richtofen935 : Yeah...hmm I wonder what happened to the American and Asian.
    shadowdrago : -turns to him as the head slides off- Theres more?
    Richtofen935 : Yeah. Dempsey and Takeo. *shrugs* Who knows where they are?
    shadowdrago : -nods- maybe we could run into them
    Richtofen935 : hmm..possibly
    shadowdrago : -Walks down through a tunnel to the "Crazy place"
    Richtofen935 : *followed behind*
    shadowdrago : -Laughs- Crazy place really? what were you doing before this happenedh
    Richtofen935 : Obviously something Craaaaazy.
    shadowdrago : Sadly I expected Some hell hounds or more zombies
    Richtofen935 : seem to be the fighter
    shadowdrago : -spins the sword and sheaths it- I've had quite some time to pratice
    Richtofen935 : You remind me of Takeo.
    shadowdrago : -chuckles- how?
    Richtofen935 : Well, he uses the same techniques as you.
    shadowdrago : -nods to him as he walks up to the Chalked outline of a Magnum touching it- So what of this?
    shadowdrago : ?
    Richtofen935 : Why don't you find out? *snickered*
    shadowdrago : -places his palm against the chalk out line as the Magnum appears in his hand- Hm?
    shadowdrago : Interesting
    Richtofen935 : hmmm..
    Richtofen935 : That is neat.
    shadowdrago : interesting
    shadowdrago : -looks at the doctor- what weapon are you going to use?
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