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    GrelleSuitcliffe : Right now I have to do a few chores.
    xCielXPhantomhive : ...AT 11:00 pm?!
    GrelleSuitcliffe : Yep.
    GrelleSuitcliffe : ....I have a screwed up schedule.
    GrelleSuitcliffe : ....I'm surprised why you aren't asking me why I stay up until 3:00AM on school nights.
    GrelleSuitcliffe : .....By the way, I get up at 5:00AM.
    xCielXPhantomhive : ...
    GrelleSuitcliffe : Yeah.....It's wrecking my health.
    GrelleSuitcliffe : That why I've been quite the nitch lately...
    GrelleSuitcliffe : *bitch
    xCielXPhantomhive : Well...I'm facking tired...I'll be on after I visit my fucking aunt...Her child is getting his
    xCielXPhantomhive : football award...He's fucking six...Everyone gets a medal.
    GrelleSuitcliffe : Wow. XD
    GrelleSuitcliffe : When will this be?
    GrelleSuitcliffe has just logged in
    xCielXPhantomhive has just logged in
    GrelleSuitcliffe : Hello.
    xCielXPhantomhive : Bye.
    GrelleSuitcliffe : ...
    xCielXPhantomhive : ...
    GrelleSuitcliffe : I need to change the background again......Like......Niqqa.
    xCielXPhantomhive : ....Das gay.
    GrelleSuitcliffe : Um.....No it's not.
    xCielXPhantomhive : Yes it is.
    xCielXPhantomhive has just logged out
    GrelleSuitcliffe : ;~; : I'm busy...Trying something.
    GrelleSuitcliffe : Alright.
    GrelleSuitcliffe has just logged out
    GamzeeFaygoMakara : ...
    GamzeeFaygoMakara : This website is like haha fuck your pictures.
    GamzeeFaygoMakara : They should really make a Homestuck game....Where one person is the host and the
    GamzeeFaygoMakara : other is the client user.
    GrelleSuitcliffe has just logged in
    GrelleSuitcliffe : That sounds like I pretty good idea.
    GrelleSuitcliffe : *a
    GrelleSuitcliffe : Well, bye.
    GrelleSuitcliffe has just logged out
    GrelleSuitcliffe has just logged in
    GrelleSuitcliffe : I'm here
    GrelleSuitcliffe : Yes
    GrelleSuitcliffe has just logged in
    GrelleSuitcliffe : Yes.
    GrelleSuitcliffe has just logged in
    GrelleSuitcliffe : This is cancer
    NepetaKitty : I never got access to my Grell account again, but I was just checking here to see if Trinity or Khayman ever checked this.
    NepetaKitty : The year is 2022, soon to be 2023, and I still miss you guys.
    NepetaKitty : I hope you're both doing well, if you ever see this. My instagram is piccologuaiava if either of you ever feel like reaching out again.
    NepetaKitty : signing out for the last time.
    NepetaKitty has just logged out