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    NekoViolet : I have her on my Favorite 50 list.
    Evillainteritio : ..
    Evillainteritio : reminds me of T-Mobiles old Fave Five.
    Evillainteritio : This was when I was like, 13-14.
    Evillainteritio : 7-8 years ago.
    NekoViolet : That sounds really stupid.
    Evillainteritio : You were..... Five-Six then I think.
    Evillainteritio : Oh that shit..
    Evillainteritio : That shit was serious.
    NekoViolet : I would have been 5.
    Evillainteritio : People got mad if they weren't in the Fave Five.
    Evillainteritio : it was srs business
    NekoViolet : xD Wow.
    Evillainteritio : 7-8 years ago though.
    Evillainteritio : Like wow, I'm old.
    Evillainteritio : i'm young, but I'm old.
    Evillainteritio : excuse me while i play with my wrasslin figures
    NekoViolet : Wrestling figures?
    Evillainteritio : yep.
    Evillainteritio : i didn't have barbie dolls
    Evillainteritio : i had me wrestling figures
    Evillainteritio : Undertaker has been my world champ since like, 2000.
    NekoViolet : I have a lot of dolls.
    Evillainteritio : I did however, have many stuffed animals.
    Evillainteritio : i guess that was the only... girly thing of me.
    NekoViolet : And I still play with all of them.
    Evillainteritio : well you're 13, not 20. That's all fine.
    NekoViolet : x3
    Evillainteritio : I don't like how you guys are pratically fucking adults at like... 14 years oldSo many expecttations..
    Evillainteritio : i'm really gonna get my bag of action figures though
    Evillainteritio : and relieve some of my childhood.
    Evillainteritio : if wisty wants to speak with me, I'm on pr.
    NekoViolet : Okay, you go do that.
    NekoViolet : Oh, I'll tell her.
    Evillainteritio : server two.
    NekoViolet : Alright.
    NekoViolet : I guess I'm gonna go then. I need to eat anyways.
    Evillainteritio : Alright.
    NekoViolet : Bye. ^-^
    Evillainteritio : See you around,
    NekoViolet has just logged out
    Evillainteritio has just logged in
    xxPariahxx : Jesus Christ Eve I leave pr for a few months and you let it go to hell.
    xxPariahxx : Oh by the way Im back sort of.
    xxPariahxx : I dont really have the time or the Jap hatred to fuel my killing sprees so ill just pop in from time to time
    xxPariahxx : Im also a helicopter pilot now.
    xxPariahxx : Fancy that.
    Evillainteritio : ..'Yawn.
    Evillainteritio : It's been a while.