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    mistery1 : yes
    stayblazed83 : yeah there was 834 dollors missing from my bankaccount
    mistery1 : i wish so many things
    mistery1 : omg
    mistery1 : was it sorted
    stayblazed83 : thats why i had to call the bank then go downthere an get it straightened out
    stayblazed83 : sorted?
    mistery1 : nothing i was asking if u sorted it out and now i see u did
    stayblazed83 : anyways my account is back at what it was
    mistery1 : good
    mistery1 : im waiting for my lawyer to pay me my money noe shortly
    stayblazed83 : yeah but it took time away from u
    mistery1 : soon i hope this month or the next the laterst
    stayblazed83 : whats it for
    mistery1 : a claim i won against the health authorities here
    mistery1 : i took them to court and i won the case and now they have to pay out there negligence
    stayblazed83 : oh so u can be my suger mama now as well as spanish/rough sex teacher
    mistery1 : what is that
    mistery1 : what does it mean
    stayblazed83 : lol suger mama hahahaha u never heard that before
    mistery1 : yes i have but im not sure of what it means that expression is not used here
    stayblazed83 : a suger mama would b like a chick who has money and takes care of her boyfriend
    mistery1 : ok lets go to the other room
    stayblazed83 : usually younger boyfriend
    stayblazed83 : why
    mistery1 : existence is talking to tu there lol
    mistery1 : he just said hi to u
    mistery1 : lol
    mistery1 : lets go there for a while
    stayblazed83 : k
    mistery1 : its better that than switching rooms
    stayblazed83 : omg
    mistery1 : what
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