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    PurpleUnicorn1200 : Aye! my own chat room!!:) Talking to no one!:)
    PurpleUnicorn1200 : Yuppp loner squad!!=)
    sidster123 : hey
    PurpleUnicorn1200 : Heyy!
    sidster123 : how is your day
    PurpleUnicorn1200 : Good wby
    sidster123 : well i cant sleep im in england so early morning here
    PurpleUnicorn1200 : Im in USA its only 9:35 p.m. here
    sidster123 : 3;36 here in morning were 5 hours ahead
    sidster123 : i like usa im friend with a few people in usa
    sidster123 : on my ps3
    sidster123 : may i say something
    sidster123 : u there
    PurpleUnicorn1200 : Yes im here
    sidster123 : cool
    sidster123 : thought u left me lol
    PurpleUnicorn1200 : What was your question?
    sidster123 : just want to say that your pretty
    PurpleUnicorn1200 : Why thank you!:)
    sidster123 : so u doing much this weekend
    PurpleUnicorn1200 : Nope just at my grandmas for the weekand
    sidster123 : aww thats cool
    PurpleUnicorn1200 : Yupp what about you?
    sidster123 : im working in less that 3 half hours
    PurpleUnicorn1200 : Oh thats not cool you better sleep!
    sidster123 : i drop off while we talk
    sidster123 : its nice that we can talk so do u have any brothers sisters pets
    sidster123 : mm
    sidster123 : u busy