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Log In : heh : uh
    MiniPanda : Hai. : Hello : Is anybody here!? : hey : hi : Did adam just die? : hi
    Britt0075 : hi : i think eli and claire just broke up last night. : *broke up in general : AND ELI HOOKED UP WITH HIS EDITOR CUS HE MISSED CLAIRE. : WUT THE FUCK : JUST NO : Hello?
    JtLover08 : hello I'm new here : i feel bad for drew torres : becky baker is ahoe : hi : Hi : hi : how are you xxx
    jjlove14 : hi
    zizir127794 : i cant wait for the new series
    zizir127794 has just logged out
    kaiiiiittttt : IF MAYA AND ZIG BREAK UP I WILL DIE
    kaiiiiittttt : Am i talking to myself. : Why was spinner the only one that gets to come back? : wtf
    JR1123 : i had no idea this site had this room ahh : Hello everyone let's talk some Degrassi : Voula? : hey : hello : hey
    lexilove016 : ����OH MY GOD!!!! I am Depressed and Heartbroken because of how the Finale of season 2 ended and left us with a cliffhanger and most of all my favorite people where
    vampantha25 : anyone on
    vampantha25 : i sersiously watched every episode of degrassi next generation in two days.
    vampantha25 : i was wondering what the time frame is between the last episode of next generation to the new
    vampantha25 : one next class? : hi : hello? : well i just want to say that eli is my bae : hi people : anybody here? : do people even come here anymore? : if you wanna talk about degassi, kik me @ prettytragedy
    lunaraven0427 : hello
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -