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    helloMRMONKEY : hello? : hi : hello..... : hey now
    myslotusflower : peace hows everyone : great,how are you? : anyone here? : df : hi : anyone? : hh : hi
    geomtric has just logged in : ? : Hallo
    rfyb28 : hello : hii' : hello. : anyone have any conscious book list : hi : watching total recall atm! interesting : flash said this room is empty, is it true ? is nobody here ? : I guess I'm all alone in here.
    EternalReward : hello??? : I am here : lol : mmm : hi : hey : hi ppl : i assume : anyone in a chatroom about consciousness : is good person : :P : so hi : good people : <3 : nobody here : ? : ok well : peace and love : hello : Anyone who stumbles upon this, I am sorry that the room is empty. I, too, came across : an empty room of hellos' and his' : All I have to say is consciousness is absolutely everything. The answer lies within, as does : our own definition of happiness and reality. We are one. : I wish I had someone to chat about this with : The Truth of Anthroposophy finds those who seek : Nobody here....
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -