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    LeviniaHarpy : I have no blood in the drinks, only a mix of other drinks
    LeviniaHarpy : ....I am gonna make a Slippery Nipple
    MageHikari : I'll just go over here and not drink.
    LeviniaHarpy : Booo
    MageHikari : *Responded to the boo with a pokerface*
    LeviniaHarpy : *Pours some drinks into a glass making a Slippery Nipple Shot*
    MageHikari : *He reached into his bag and extracted a sugary drink and a sweet cakeroll to go with it*
    MageHikari : *It's amazing he isn't fat*
    LeviniaHarpy : Wow...i can not sleep wih that stuff inside me
    MageHikari : I sleep like a rock *This was said with the pokerface back on*
    LeviniaHarpy : ...i should take a shot everytim you take that face *Gulps down a shot*
    MageHikari : .......-____-
    LeviniaHarpy : *Takes a second shot*
    MageHikari : hm....
    MageHikari : -_____________________-
    LeviniaHarpy : ...*Takes one shot for she loves life*
    MageHikari : -_- ....
    LeviniaHarpy : ....*Takes a fourth shot*
    MageHikari : *He took a marker from his bag ready to draw on her face when she got drunk and passed out*
    MageHikari : *has done this at many parties cause it's funny*
    LeviniaHarpy : ...oh god
    MageHikari : *He reached over and shamlessly drew her a moustache* what? I'm not gonna do nothing indecent.
    MageHikari : That's not the kind of asshole I am.
    LeviniaHarpy : Hmmmmmm Brb
    MageHikari : Mkay.
    LeviniaHarpy : back after all that time
    MageHikari : Oh finaly back/
    LeviniaHarpy : yup, someone wanted to borrow the batman collection
    LeviniaHarpy : so that took way to long then it should have been
    MageHikari : I've noticed.
    LeviniaHarpy : ...maybe we should go to the Furry chat if we get borred *Takes an other shot*
    MageHikari : -_______-...maybe
    LeviniaHarpy : ...i cant spell anymore, i am getting tipsy already~
    MageHikari : Stop drinking?
    MageHikari : Just how much of that stuff did you even mix up?
    LeviniaHarpy : God no
    LeviniaHarpy : i am getting drunk enough i could fuck a cockroach ladies and gentleman
    MageHikari : ....
    MageHikari : Ok you're done now. *Slowly taking away the drinks*
    LeviniaHarpy : !? *TACKLES*
    MageHikari : *Like the crocodile hunter* Ah! It's angry! It's angry!~
    MageHikari : Crikey this is harsh!
    LeviniaHarpy : *BITES*
    LeviniaHarpy : *Would give you a "Sex With an Alligator" Drink if she was not busy*
    MageHikari : ow! SHe tasted me! I'm dont wanna be undead dunner!
    LeviniaHarpy : You meant Oih*
    LeviniaHarpy : ( gtg might come back later, bye bye~ )
    GoldEyeMedic : I made a healer class character now.(Hikari)
    irishjacob : ....WHAT THE FUCK HIKARI?
    irishjacob : By the way hello my name is Jacob