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    Un0hex : Moose~
    Un0hex : I am not that Emily you're looking for ;p
    moosemousse : Okay I'll get out of here then.
    Un0hex : Moose. Silly.
    Un0hex : Not meant for you.
    moosemousse : I know.
    co0lguy : hey moose stay on, am just pulling her leg
    moosemousse : No need to, her legs are real.
    Un0hex : Hehe
    co0lguy : I like legs, might as well increase her assets lol
    Un0hex : Really now.
    moosemousse : This room name is ridiculous.
    Un0hex : Any other comments?
    moosemousse : Yes.
    Un0hex : Such as ?
    moosemousse : Nah... that's all I got for now.
    Un0hex : Adorable.
    moosemousse : Yea ik.
    Un0hex : Right.
    moosemousse : Anyways
    moosemousse : We should talk more.
    Un0hex : Before judging, remember that everything has a reason , as for this name, same goes for that.
    Un0hex : :P
    moosemousse : I assumed the name would make sense if I decoded it.
    moosemousse : But tbh I'm not interested in doing that.
    Un0hex : What did you get from an attempt to decode?
    Un0hex : Oh, well.
    Un0hex : But if you do, it is as simple as it gets.
    moosemousse : After sleep i'll see.
    Un0hex : ;p
    Un0hex : Alrighty.
    Un0hex : Same goes for you , co0l.
    Un0hex : Anyway, 5 min. brb.
    moosemousse : oodnight.
    moosemousse : G
    Un0hex : Night,
    co0lguy : wat goes>?
    Un0hex : Read~^
    Un0hex : I mean for decoding the chatroom name, moose says its silly. but it's simple.
    Un0hex : co0l, once you manage to decode the chatroom name, allow me to know ;p
    Un0hex : Deal?
    Un0hex : That is of course if you want to.
    co0lguy : sure
    co0lguy : ok, amoff now,its late
    moosemousse : Moo.
    Matin0AK : cfth is a radio station
    Matin0AK :
    Matin0AK : but in canada
    Matin0AK : not UK
    Un0hex has just logged out