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    Confusion2 : she left the room
    Sinnia has just logged in
    Catinlina2002 : hey stranger Sinnia
    Sinnia : hey
    Catinlina2002 : what you been up to?
    Sinnia : nothin much, just livin life and hating school
    Confusion2 : hi Ainnaui
    Confusion2 : sinnia
    Catinlina2002 : ok
    Catinlina2002 : you fucking anyone?
    Sinnia : nope
    Catinlina2002 : gee sorry
    Catinlina2002 : you never came for jeff
    Sinnia : huuh?
    Catinlina2002 : Jeff was here for you
    Sinnia : oh
    Catinlina2002 : guess you scar ro meet him
    Catinlina2002 : he was ging to visit you last month
    Catinlina2002 : no reason to be scared
    Sinnia : the unknown
    Catinlina2002 : will u tell your mom about him?u
    Catinlina2002 : i am sure she can handle him
    Confusion2 : Yes Cathy I will be with her mother as you told me
    Confusion2 : ok Sinnia
    Sinnia : my mother wouldn't be happy
    Confusion2 : i try hard
    Confusion2 : she ca catch me licking your pussy :)
    Confusion2 : i be nude too
    Confusion2 : i be nice to her
    Confusion2 : listen
    Confusion2 : i am sure i be better then the old men she may be with
    Sinnia : she isn't with anyone
    Confusion2 : then that is good
    Smallckguy : Hi all
    joseie : any usa single m chat w/usa f get to know eachother
    doninthewoods1 : hello]
    doninthewoods1 : confusion who are you?
    doninthewoods1 : Anyone here?
    joseie : hello usa
    LuhGrape : hey joseie its me lil grape i just changed my name to luhgrape
    joseie : hey luhgrape
    joseie : luhgrape yo
    joseie : hey
    RX199 : Heyo.
    joseie : hi
    joseie : any bi any bi cples
    JakeyboyZ : That kanzo James
    JakeyboyZ : If my dad die will never speak to you agajn don't used joseie account need to delete it
    JakeyboyZ : Got into midnight
    joseie : any usa single m