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    MarshallRC : I am hosting friendly chat. Click the MENU button above and select my chat room to join me.
    MarshallRC : testing testing
    daysandnights : Hello
    MarshallRC : hi
    MarshallRC : To any who may come in: I'm AFK right now so be patient.
    MarshallRC : hi ghalebbb
    ghalebbb : hello
    MarshallRC : how are you?
    ghalebbb : how are you ?
    ghalebbb : fine thanks and you
    MarshallRC : good.
    MarshallRC : I've just had to review my life pretty much.
    ghalebbb : EHY ?
    ghalebbb : WHY ?
    MarshallRC : read the quote in the room description.
    MarshallRC : that should give you at least some idea.
    MarshallRC : I feel like I have a habit of sitting back and just letting the river sweep me forward if you know what I
    MarshallRC : mean.
    MarshallRC : you ever have that problem?
    ghalebbb : i had it
    MarshallRC : ah. I feel like I'm starting to overcome that though.
    MarshallRC : oh well I better get off now. you have a good day.
    ghalebbb : i like to live my life with difficulties
    ghalebbb : that makes the life more interesting
    ghalebbb : have a good day