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    8inchitalian : hey, so i saw ur getting my IMs; can u plz chat a bit?
    tuffcat :  okay
    chathour : 8inchitalian has been banned from this chat room.
    philuper : hi tuffcat
    tuffcat : hey
    philuper : you look so good in your pic
    philuper : if your gay why are you talking to men
    tuffcat :  why not
    philuper : just thought you would prefer girls here
    philuper : you must be busy laters
    tuffcat : i like both
    tuffcat : for not the same reasons
    philuper : you prefer girls for playing with lol
    buckeye921 has just logged in
    philuper : wow tuffcat you dont use this place much ,look at the webs lol
    lindatongue : hello
    lindatongue : hi all
    lindatongue : hello