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    sloane0708 : so thats u in your profile
    Jens35 : yes,,,,and thats my daughter in the last photo
    sloane0708 : why do u have , nude photos ' '
    Jens35 : i just do
    Jens35 : im not ashamed of my body
    sloane0708 : ohh ok.
    sloane0708 : you have a beautiful daughter just like her mom
    Jens35 : ty i'll tell her
    Jens35 : she's a great kid
    Jens35 : never gives me anything to worry about
    sloane0708 : oh wow thats good.
    Jens35 : yes it is
    Jens35 : she has her moments ,,but all teens do
    sloane0708 : yeah. dont forget to tell her that. shell get over it like us
    Jens35 : well i need to make a trip to the store so im going to get off here for awhile
    Jens35 : tc and maybe we will chat again
    sloane0708 : okay. take care.
    Jens35 : kisses to you and take care
    sloane0708 : yeah ill be here .if not busy.
    Jens35 : cool
    sloane0708 : thanks. see yah
    Jens35 : bye for now
    Jens35 has just logged out
    pumpkingirl20 : hi
    sloane0708 : hello
    rooster826 : hello
    sloane0708 : hello
    rooster826 : how are you
    sloane0708 : this is girls room im sorry
    rooster826 : not here to be rude ok
    rooster826 : may i ask ya a question or so
    rooster826 : i promise i and net here to be rude or disrespectful maam
    rooster826 : not
    rooster826 : ok i respect you for you being you and sorry i was disrespectful miss
    sloane0708 : okay no harm done
    rooster826 : tc and stay safe
    sloane0708 : u too
    carolk9 : hi room
    sloane0708 : hi
    sloane0708 : hi carol??
    sloane0708 : sorry for question mark it should be smiley emoticon
    sloane0708 has just logged in
    newtownhot : hi
    sloane0708 : hello there
    icantfkingfindit : Blooop
    newtownhot : hru
    sloane0708 : hmm
    newtownhot : hi
    sloane0708 has just logged in
    sloane0708 : hello