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    SilentPilgrim : so i always say, when they attack me, its not me, but what I stand for
    BeautifulDisaster53 : yes i get that as well
    SilentPilgrim : if you speak the truth, like Christ, they will hate you, he warned us
    SilentPilgrim : so, now you get the troll in Christian room
    SilentPilgrim : they wont allow the truth prevail
    BeautifulDisaster53 : yes he did
    SilentPilgrim : so they use labels, hes insane blah blah
    SilentPilgrim : but thats me, thats my mission from him, you dont need that danger
    SilentPilgrim : it can get very ugly
    SilentPilgrim : but i try to tell this world whats ruling it now, in my small capacity here
    BeautifulDisaster53 : we just need to stay close to God
    SilentPilgrim : of course, most scoff and deride
    SilentPilgrim : yes, in prayer and soul
    SilentPilgrim : it does keep most at bay
    SilentPilgrim : and those that attack me, i say, now you're cursed
    SilentPilgrim : via me
    SilentPilgrim : shuts em up fast
    SilentPilgrim : i tell them, i advise you not cross me as im only a vessel of God, so you'll mess with him
    SilentPilgrim : they dont listen til it bites them in the ass I guess
    BeautifulDisaster53 : right and it will always
    SilentPilgrim : yes, it may seem arrogant but i do feel he uses me for his purpose
    SilentPilgrim : and others of course, you also
    SilentPilgrim : because we are all one part of the divine creator, so we are the bricks and he is the house
    BeautifulDisaster53 : hey Kev, i hate to leave good company but i must go to bed 4am comes early...i hope to chat again soon
    SilentPilgrim : hahahah, i talk too much anyways babe
    SilentPilgrim : no problem
    BeautifulDisaster53 : no no no
    SilentPilgrim : and blessthis house oh lord we pray
    BeautifulDisaster53 : dont feel like that
    SilentPilgrim : thanks babe
    SilentPilgrim : send me a message any time
    BeautifulDisaster53 : ok i will you do the same...
    SilentPilgrim : 4am?
    BeautifulDisaster53 : nighty night....sweet dreams
    BeautifulDisaster53 : yes 4 am
    SilentPilgrim : sweet dreams love
    SilentPilgrim : its that here, where are you?
    BeautifulDisaster53 : oklahoma
    SilentPilgrim : you're getting up at 4am?
    BeautifulDisaster53 : yes
    BeautifulDisaster53 : for work
    SilentPilgrim : because you guys must be about 6 hours behind
    BeautifulDisaster53 : have to be there by 5 30
    SilentPilgrim : oh, oops, silly, you mentioned
    SilentPilgrim : sorry love, sleep well and talk soon
    BeautifulDisaster53 : yes we will
    SilentPilgrim : great xxxxx
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    BeautifulDisaster53 has just logged out
    BeautifulDisaster53 has just logged out