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Log In : ello : is this chat really for dancers only ? : hey everyone! ive never been on this before! : hello
    coolguy560 : hi i need help : nj
    coolguy560 has just logged in : hello : hi : what kind of dance do people do? : i do ballet :) : hello everybodyy! :D : I do jazzdance : hey everyone, I'm having a dance crisis.. HELP! : Hey! :) : I love all kinds of dances, it is beautifull to see what talent and hard work can do... : HI : omg there is dancers here : hello : hello :(
    BgirlArdour : hello
    BgirlArdour : im a hiphop/break dancer
    BgirlArdour : like my crew on fb...Dynamic Crewcifiction : guyzz plz like and support this page : any one here : balletboy14m here
    laspahr : hello
    laspahr : anyone on here..? : : FREE DANCE ON FACEBOOK :::))) not trolling my friends : hey any girls : hi : hello : I need advice about dance : I am apart of my step team with another branch for dance. I tried out for dance twice : i didnot get in and I really want to try out again but I am scared to try out : any advice : hey
    danceloverjia123 : Hi
    danceloverjia123 : I do every type of dance imaginable
    danceloverjia123 : guest you should try out just believe in yourself and dont be negative about it
    dancegirl881 : hey : hi : : hi : im on a majorette competition team
    BSnow : upela : hii : hi
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -