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    Vuvuzella : any therr? : hello all just joined : anyone here?
    ScottyD123x : hi
    ScottyD123x : awd : Hi : hey : hello : anyone here?
    EddwardNV : hey guys
    EddwardNV : anybody had much experiennce with synthetics?
    EddwardNV : anyone here? : hey
    EddwardNV : hey
    EddwardNV : have you ever tried syntetic cbds ? : yeah a few times
    EddwardNV : what you think? : mixed reviews
    EddwardNV : how you mean : i loved them personally
    EddwardNV : how is that mixed then lol : well my friends dont really like them xD
    EddwardNV : ahh i see fair enough
    EddwardNV : you still do them ? : yeah sometimes
    EddwardNV : do you know a trusted supplier : yeah i use great stuff
    EddwardNV : ok cool will check them out : no worries is that all you came to chat about lol
    EddwardNV : yeah i heard of a few scam sites so didnt really wanna mess about : fair enough