● vanx :
i'm not a animal lover but respect them to the point of not eating them
● Annamarisa :
Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours - https://soo.gd/sessy
has just logged
● Zane9xy :
My kik is zanewolfe9 if you want to trade some dog pics.
● gaybeast4me :
Or, perhaps a better, more appropriate question would be; Does anyone in here ever communicate as a group? Like is there ever any topic, discussion, anything besides, well, nothing besides people logging in & logging out? It's likened to a ghost-town with
● gaybeast4me :
...nothing besides a busy toll booth. Yet no cafes, saloon or brothel. No livery, general store or post office.
● gaybeast4me :
...A busy little town where hardly anybody even acknowleges one another.