● guest108.6.48.xxx :
DO NOT LISTEN TO: Say Something, A great big world over and over again
● guest81.100.40.xxx :
everything hurts so much knowing he has left, he said he doesn't love me anymore
● guest174.112.144.xxx :
My ex says he thinks we dont work as a couple but text me good morning and night daily
● guest81.104.182.xxx :
is anyon here....the love of my life just told me she went abroad and got married
● brokenheartagain :
sorry to hear that...mine just recently told me she wanted a divorce
● guest121.222.155.xxx :
mine told me he wants to be alone.... I DONT! im so upset :((( how do I change this around?
● Annamarisa :
Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours - https://soo.gd/sessy