● guest190.104.194.xxx :
hola a todos estoy viendo dragon ball, todos levanten las manos para la genkidama
● guest82.114.94.xxx :
NEW MOVIE DRAGON BALL Z http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWQUvdjYhqM&feature=youtu.be
● JDaskM22 :
\o/ gives energy for spirit bomb
● jallowmoney :
anyone has a [s3 here with dragon ball raging blast 2?
● guest79.113.192.xxx :
heheman: i had a dream that is was goku and i trained with vegeta until vegeta had some wolverine claws and beat the crap out of meheheman: and i daydream/halucinated that i was flyin
● Annamarisa :
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