This room is currently EMPTY!
Log In : hello? : is anybody here? : whatev, im out....
    BillcsiYiff : hi :D : hi : hello?
    nancysofty50 : hi
    xSorrowfulWolfx : hello fellow wolves : Hey
    xxDreamingWolfxx has just logged in
    nancysofty50 : : hi : Hello
    calmwolf14 : hi : hi
    MzDemonAngel has just logged in : hi : hey : For those who like wolf role play and consider themselves intermediate to advanced : roleplayers are more than welcome to join an internet based rp.
    BillcsiYiff : hi
    AnnieDarkxx : Hello?... : : hi
    redintroman : hello room : hi : hi every1 : hi : hello : WOLF ROLEPLAYERS! i run a wolf chat on xat if you are interested in joing come to Xat.c :
    Grell15 : hello? : hi : hi : hi
    BabyWolf0430 : hi : hi : moo
    EmoWolfBoi : hi
    Sixela96 : Heyo :D
    Sixela96 : Oh. I'm the only one here
    ShaiLunaXXX has just logged in
    BastianiMari : hi
    Valentine2550 has just logged in
    SnowflakeTheTherian : hi
    Thai1978 has just logged in
    nothotnow : my dog molested me!
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    AGuyNamedT8 : im a human muahahahaha