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    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    Adventures27 : Leave me alone
    Adventures27c : say no
    Adventures27c : ok
    Adventures27c : why should have told me
    Adventures27c : you did this on purpose
    Adventures27c : am crying
    Adventures27c : i am going to cheat on you see how it feels this not nice of you did nothing to you
    Adventures27c : i got your picture ok
    Adventures27c : i am not going removed it
    Adventures27c : unitl you honest with me ok
    Adventures27c : if have told me i would have move on leave you alone
    Adventures27c : i hate girls
    Adventures27c : i been this all on adventures27
    Adventures27c : i could have move on leave you alone if have told me did not want be with me