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    ShellyReborn : Who it is. -She dropped her arms, giving a small yet playful smile-
    SenriShiki : The other that you like?
    ShellyReborn : Mmhm.
    SenriShiki : -Watches her in silence- Don't tell me you're falling for that loud mouthed idiot that sparks
    ShellyReborn : ....What?
    SenriShiki : Havoc.
    ShellyReborn : I.. should probably... -She stood up, tripped over the length of her dress, and faceplanted
    ShellyReborn : right there- Ow...
    SenriShiki : I believe I guessed right, didn't I -Offered a hand up-
    ShellyReborn : -Mumbling something beneath her breath, she took the hand and pulled herself up-
    SenriShiki : I thought you said I wouldn't be able to guess.
    ShellyReborn : Shuddup... -Frowning, and quite visibly red in the face, though not from her fall, she sat back
    ShellyReborn : beside him-
    SenriShiki : You are blushing.
    ShellyReborn : I...I guess so...
    SenriShiki : Very Interesting.
    ShellyReborn : ..How?
    SenriShiki : Nothing.
    ShellyReborn : C'mon, how is it interesting?
    SenriShiki : -Rested his hands behind his head, staring upward- I miss him is all.
    ShellyReborn : -She nodded and, absently, began to chew on the edge of her sleeve- I know the feeling.
    SenriShiki : No I don't think you do.
    ShellyReborn : -She peered up at him- I'll help find him.
    SenriShiki : Good luck on that one.
    ShellyReborn : -She elbowed him lightly- I'll do my best. What are friends for.
    SenriShiki : -Blinked when she elbowed him- Isnt the loud mouth with someone though?
    ShellyReborn : -She twitched, shifting immediately to allow her hair to fall in front of her face, like a red curtain-
    SenriShiki : -Raised an eyebrow- Did I say something wrong?
    ShellyReborn : No...nothing spoken but the truth...
    SenriShiki : The truth hurts right?
    ShellyReborn : Like a hot knife through cold flesh...
    SenriShiki : -Looked at her and only slipped a pocky stick between her lips then his own-
    ShellyReborn : -She chewed silently on the biscuit stick, keeping her head low. A small drop fell from her cheek,
    ShellyReborn : darkening the fabric across her knees-
    SenriShiki : Are you crying?
    ShellyReborn : -She lifted her hand, using the back of her wrist to dry her eyes- No..
    SenriShiki : Yes, you are.
    ShellyReborn : Doesn't matter. -She lowered her hand back to her lap-
    SenriShiki : -Leans back- I am sorry to make you cry
    ShellyReborn : Its nothing you did. -She lifted her hand to rub at her eyes- Just me being silly..
    SenriShiki : How so
    ShellyReborn : Because. -She shrugged slightly-
    SenriShiki : Cause why
    ShellyReborn : Because.. we're both taken. And even if I wasn't, he'd never...
    SenriShiki : -Nods slightly, resting back and just chewed on the stick-
    ShellyReborn : -She leaned back as well, but kept her head down- Mn.
    SenriShiki : I think it best to just give up on things. Me anyway.
    ShellyReborn : Well. You feel free to. I'm not backing out on helping. -She gave a small smile- I'm sure we can
    ShellyReborn : find a way to bring him back.
    SenriShiki : -Watches her, thinking to himself-